live Event 

Birthing dreams and desires

For you, Humanity & the planet

in 2025!
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Beautiful One,

We are living at unique and profound moment in time- 

A time of Global rebirth

We are being called to forge a new path for humanity, but that begins within each of us, our bodies, and our DESIRE.

I invite you to join me for a new year's gathering to consciously co-create this pathway, planting the seeds for our desires: personally and for the planet.

Let's come together and amplify the highest possibilities for us all in 2024 and beyond...

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We will vision and connect with our desires in alignment with the
Feminine Flow


Perhaps you have been feeling the wild waves of this time? Personally? Societally?

These are the waves of LABOR.  All creation- whether you are birthing a physical child or your soul's babies, your dreams and desires-  follows the same underlying blueprint.

Ecstatic Birth- Birthing with PLEASURE- offers us profound insight into the role of feminine energy in creation, and how we can come back into balance, nurturing our bodies and supporting our energy throughout our process.

In this dance of life we are birthing all the time
Babies, Relationships, our Projects, ourselves...over and over and over again.

Whether you’ve never given birth, already have, want to or don't – birth is a powerful metaphor for how we create, gestate, and realize any huge desires as women.

Whether you are just beginning your journey of reclamation or are all in...

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To Birth Your Babies, Dreams, and Desires with PLEASURE, you need to honor the design of your body.

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In this complimentary new year's gathering we will connect with our new year's desires in OUR BODIES, finding the inner alignment and pleasure that can fuel their births with ease and magic.

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Together, we will:

  • Identify and connect to our deepest personal and global desires 
  • Uncover and release common spots of misalignment to birthing our desires  
  • Explore somatic practices and mindset shifts to clear the pathway for whatever you are creating 
  • Get a basic roadmap for the Feminine Flow of Creation
  • Learn how to fuel your process wtih PLEASURE 

...and, above all, how to ride the waves and use your contractions for your next expansion!!!

Next Event: January 4th, 10am ET
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Hi! I'm

Sheila Kamara Hay.

Unveiling the ECSTASY available in each moment at the intersection of sensuality, life and birth is my passion!!

As a Yale and Columbia Trained Cultural Sociologist, I am devoted to reclaiming and honoring birth as a sacred rite of passage and an integral part of the Feminine Cycle of Creation™. I am an Ecstatic Birth advocate and coach and have empowered 1000s of women around the globe to birth their babies, dreams and desires with pleasure. I am so excited and deeply honored to be your guide on this journey!

Copyright 2023 Ecstatic Birth LLC.  All rights reserved.