
Are you dancing through life, or muscling through it?

Are you creating your dreams and
desires with pleasure,

or gritting your teeth as you push ahead?


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Isn't it about time to let go of the struggle and discover the power of Ecstasy in creation and manifestation?

Right now, you have a chance to create a life you love - from your body and soul to your relationships, projects, and finances -

and live like the Ecstatic Goddess you are.

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The Ecstatic Goddess Circle
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"I feel reborn."

My desire is to raise happy, aware, free and full of love human beings. If I want to give my kids all these things I have to have them myself, but I didn't know how.. [In the Ecstatic Goddess Circle] I learned that pleasure and safety is everything! Most importantly I've learned to hold myself and honor myself. Only in this way can I open my gifts to the world!  My journey with Sheila in the Ecstatic Goddess Circle was so deep and magical. I am amazed at how deep the journey in feminine flow of creation was!  With this whiff of spring I feel reborn.

Saule Dalia Toleikiene
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Being a woman in the modern world - a world defined by masculine ways - is exhausting.

While you're trying to figure out how to honor your body and live your life in alignment with your dreams and desires, man-made patriarchal systems are working directly against you.

To succeed within these systems, you are forced to override your body's innate impulses.

Patterns of muscling through or numbing out become your normal as you are pressed to conform to ways of being that do not honor you or your feminine design.

The good news is,

there is a place where the flow of the feminine in creation can be revealed, understood and honored:
in the processes of pregnancy and birth. 

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Pregnancy and birth are inherently feminine, and always will be - no matter how hard the patriarchy tries to co-opt, control, and undermine them.  

Understanding these processes is the key to truly understanding the Feminine Flow of Creation within, because birth is the blueprint for how we create, gestate, and realize our deepest desires as women.

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Are you ready to harness your feminine power and birth all of your creations, desires and manifestations with pleasure

The Ecstatic Goddess Circle is an invitation to come together with others forging this revolutionary new path, one that honors the body and the feminine.

We will explore the underlying design of the Feminine FLOW of Creation™ - a blueprint that will lead you back to your body, amplify your ecstatic pleasure, and allow you to realize your deepest desires with ease and joy! 

Over the course of eight intimate sessions, you will experience radical transformation in your relationship to your body, your design, your sacred path, and your feminine power.

If you feel - in your body - that this is your path, then don't hold yourself back any longer.

- Let's Dive in -
This is for you if you are:

  • Eager to manifest your huge dreams and desires through your feminine power and flow  
  • Done with the "no pain, no gain" mentality and ready to consciously source from your joy
  • Committed to deepening your sacred connection to your body and sexuality
  • A pioneer, eager to dive into the uncharted waters of pleasure and birth, so that you can stand in your full feminine leadership
  • Ready to break through and stand as a wayshower for the emergence of the divine feminine on the planet

Who am I to share this truth with you?

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I'm Sheila Kamara Hay
Ecstatic Birth advocate and coach.

I have empowered thousands of women around the world to birth their babies, dreams and desires with pleasure. I'm also a Yale and Columbia Trained Cultural Sociologist, devoted to reclaiming and honoring birth as a sacred rite of passage and an integral part of the Feminine Flow of Creation™. Unveiling the ECSTASY that awaits at the intersection of sensuality, life and birth is my passion, and I am so excited and deeply honored to be your guide on this journey!  

The time has come to manifest and bear all your creations like a woman - to honor the design of your body and the sensual JOY that nourishes and fuels it!

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Testi - Regena T

"Wanted and needed. "

The voice of Sheila Kamara Hay is both wanted and needed in the world of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. She is helping women to redefine the birth experience and make birth into their own powerful evolution. I love her work and her commitment to women!

Regena Thomashauer, Founder of Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts NYT best selling author of Pussy, a Reclamation
EB -_Testi - Ninna A

"You want to hear what Sheila has to say. "

I've never given birth to a baby (yet), but quickly realized I was giving birth to my desires (big and small). The phases she described are so real and I felt relieved to see that I was not "crazy" in my process. All of it was normal and natural. Birthing babies or your deepest desires, you want to hear what Sheila has to say.

Ninna A
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Every creation is unique -

but the paradigms that hold us back from birthing them
with pleasure are universal.

4 reasons why so many women struggle when birthing their babies, dreams and desires:
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We have yet to recognize that all creation - whether we are birthing babies, relationships, projects, jobs, or personal growth - is sparked and accelerated by pleasure rather than struggle.  

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Trying to conform to patriarchal systems has forced us out of alignment with our bodies, pressing us to override and numb the natural sensations and emotions that would normally guide us.

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The paradigm of pain and suffering runs so deep - through every part of our lives - that we believe it to be "normal", and we're no longer sure how to unpack it, much less rethink it. 

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Even when we are inspired to shift our process, the idea of adapting to a different way of life - one so different from the cultural norm - is overwhelming.

The truth is, everything you need to have a better experience of creation and birth is already within you. 

The keys to transforming physical childbirth from traumatic to ecstatic are the same keys that will transform all the grit, exhaustion, and struggle of the creation process into ease, flow, nourishment and pleasure - and the way in is through your BODY.

Curriculum: The Femine Flow of Creation™

Each week, we explore one stage in the Feminine FLOW of Creation,  and diffuse common obstacles to fulfilling the deepest desires of your soul. As you follow the journey of creation from desire and conception through pregnancy, labor and delivery, you will tap into your inherent feminine powers of manifestation and creation and return to your body, where you will access ever deepening guidance, flow and PLEASURE.

Here's how it all unfolds:
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Session 1:


What do you want to create? What stands in the way of your full bodied YES? We tease out your most destructive patterns and create the fertile soil for your desires to finally take root.

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Session 2:

NURTURE: Breathe VIBRANCE into your most sacred creations

We explore how to gestate and breathe life into your dreams and desires from the earliest days of conception: Gently, Lovingly, Patiently and always with PLEASURE.

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Session 3:

FLOW: Expansion, contraction, expansion...

We learn to dance with contractive moments rather than run or numb, leaning on pleasure to consciously flow through to the expansion that is awaiting you on the other side

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Session 4:

INTENSITY: Transition

We zone in on the raw vulnerability that comes with bringing your creative idea into the world ("I can't do this anymore") and create supportive structures to help you flow to the other side with ease and pleasure because you are so close.

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Session 5:

FOCUS: The Urge to PUSH

We explore the part of the process where all your energy and all your attention are focused on bringing your idea through to completion. We drop in even deeper connection with your body so that you can ride this wave efficiently, effectively, and with pleasure.

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Session 6:

FIRE: Climactic Intensity

When the intensity of all of your attention and focus reaches its peak, it can feel like a burning fire. We magnify turn on as we approach this crowning moment to experience this climax with a full bodied, ecstatic "Oh YES!" (rather than "ouch!").

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Session 7:

GIFTS: Nourishing the New You

We celebrate all the gifts you have received in your journey as you expand and become who you need to be to carry your creation into the world.

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Session 8:

THRIVE: The 4th Trimester

Even in the fourth trimester, your work is not done! Will your creation survive or THRIVE? We revel in replenishing ourselves and our bodies, and nurturing that fertile soil from which your next desires will take root and blossom!

EB -_Testi - Jasmin

"Like nothing I have come across before."

Sheila is drawing from many years of guiding women into a different, more connected, empowered and ecstatic way of birthing and has transferred her wisdom of physical birthing to metaphorical birthing. It just makes so much sense! The way she explains each stage, what its purpose is, how to support ourselves in each stage, what common blockages are and how to move past them is extremely well put together and like nothing I have come across before!

Jasmin Schmid
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I was amazed at how many places in my body were shut down and lifeless/colorless. My body loves working with the practices and I really feel it changing in response. Thank you for your support and encouragement throughout the course. The sessions were very inspiring and helped me to change the way I saw some things that had been problematic for me.

EB -_Testi - Melanie

"...a work of genius!"

When I signed up for Ecstatic Goddess, I was hoping to learn about the cycle of birth and how I could apply it to attracting and receiving my desires. It turned out to be so much more! The intimacy of the group paired with Sheila's wisdom and intuitiveness created an experience unlike any other in my education about the Feminine. I learned how my pattern of contraction and release shows up in my life and how to recognize where I am in each phase of birth with my desires, and that it isn't the same place in each area of my life. The small group dynamic allowed us to get to know each other on a very deep level and filled the experience with love and trust. I lean on, and into, my circle of divinely feminine goddesses often. I don't know what I would do without this tribe and Sheila's leadership to guide me and share openly when I am stuck, confused, overwhelmed, or wanting to celebrate! Sheila, THANK YOU for creating Ecstatic Goddess - it is a work of genius!

Melanie C.

When you birth your babies, dreams and desires in alignment with the Feminine Flow of Creation™,

you will…
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01. Trust your body and amplify your pleasure - instinctually
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02. Discover a new paradigm in life and birth
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03 Unlock a feeling of ease and even magic
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04 Rebirth yourself in deep connection with the divine feminine
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05 Breathe vibrance into your most sacred desires

Are you ready to feel the wind at your back?

Let me support you in YOUR
dreams and desires!

Join Ecstatic Goddess VIP
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Want extra guidance to dissolve the personal blocks that are holding YOU back, help unleash your ecstatic flow, and fuel the realization of your unique dreams through pleasure? 

The Ecstatic Goddess VIP package is for you. 

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Here's everything you'll get:
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Monthly private, personalized 60-minute transformational coaching sessions with Sheila, and a highly personalized training plan.

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Plus - Full access to the Ecstatic Goddess program.

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As a Goddess VIP, this experience is all about you -

so are you ready to find out just how good it can get? 

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"The most tender and loving experience."

After participating in the Ecstatic Goddess program, I feel like I'm finally able to see my body as part of me, having a companion that I can trust and rely on. This program is a very holistic experience, and I highly recommend it to every woman who wants to get to know herself better. I couldn't be more happy about it!  Sheila, your work is great and I'm glad it is out there for all women. Thank you so much!

Bernadette K.

There has never been a time like this.

Women are rising - reclaiming our connections to our bodies, our sexuality, our fierce feminine power - and creation and birth are essential pieces of this reclamation!

Whether you are bringing forth a baby or your soul's deepest desires, the journey is the same: This is the Feminine Process of CREATION - and the feeling it brings is incomparable.

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Instead of feeling…

  • Fearful and anxious
  • Like you're muscling through life
  • Depleted and exhausted
  • Trapped by your conditioning
  • Pain

You'll feel…

  • Ready to unleash your full potential
  • In flow, free from creative blocks
  • Nourished from the inside out
  • Free to explore a new concept
  • Pleasure

This is your time to harness your sensual
creative power and feel your

- Let's Dive in -
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Frequently asked questions

The next round of Ecstatic Goddess classes will begin February 18, 2025, meeting Tuesdays at 1pm ET. You'll receive a session per week in your inbox for 8 weeks. There will be weekly live gatherings and guided practices.  Everything is recorded, so you can enjoy the classes and practices at your pace and on your own schedule! The most important thing is that you schedule in a full 90 minutes each week to receive the content. All classes are working sessions, so you will be actively engaging with the content and practicing embodiment. After the initial 8 weeks we will continue on with weekly live practices, and monthly Kundalini Activations through the end of 2025.

Pregnant women can benefit from this program, but Ecstatic Goddess is actually for all women who want to birth their dreams and desires with PLEASURE. We use the wisdom of pregnancy and birth to bring us back in connection with our body and our feminine design. Every woman will be rebirthed in this process!

Yes! This is a unique opportunity for personalized support, practices, and integration. In addition to the Ecstatic Goddess Journey, you receive monthly private 1-hour sessions. While we flow through each of the stages in our weekly sessions, this 1:1 time through the end of the year is to give you the support you need to flow through the places that you feel stuck, keep you in alignment with your feminine flow, and accelerate your process.

Yes! You have a choice of paying in full or choosing a monthly payment plan. If you feel the YES in your body, but are challenged by the financials, consider for a moment: What is the cost of NOT doing the program? What if you are to continue on the path you are now, fully immersed in the pain game of life and creation? What is the cost to your body? To your joy and vibrance? You are worth the investment.

I recommend you schedule 90 minutes a week for this program, whether or not you attend live. The weekly sessions are mind, body and soul experiences that you will want to be fully present for without distractions. In addition you will be doing daily body practices which are around 10 minutes in length.


Yes, you have a 7-day money back guarantee. If you participate in the first session and feel it is not a good fit for you, you will receive a prompt and courteous refund.


EB -_Testi - Anna D

"Ecstatic Goddess was a profound experience"

It explained to me how it is that my life is magical. It explained to me clearly how I am thinking and behaving. It explained to me stages of birthing and what each one represents. It explained to me the tools I am already using and the power of them. It explained to me how powerful I am.

Anna D
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"I am truly grateful. "

This was a new way to look at things for me as I am used to "Just get it done!" which has very little pleasure involved in it. And since I have been noticing that I really WOULD prefer to live a life of pleasure and being in flow rather than pushing against everything. This was a piece I badly needed to hear.

Deborah G
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You deserve to create your dreams and live your life with JOY and VIBRANCE - and this is the

perfect opportunity to start.
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If you are a full-bodied YES to reclaiming your feminine power and PLEASURE, grab your spot in this training!

I'll be giving you everything I've got. Are you ready to receive it?

Copyright 2021 Ecstatic Birth LLC.  All rights reserved.