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Special Offer:
The Ecstatic Birth
training and resource bundle
Let's get you ready for YOUR Ecstatic Birth!!
Childbirth can be one of the most empowering, transformative and potentially pleasurable experiences in your life!
Yes, you read that right, childbirth can be pleasurable. (Even though all we seem to hear about is the PAIN!).
This Ecstatic Birth training and resource bundle walks you through the science, mindset shifts and practices to transform your understanding and experience of childbirth from pain to pleasure.
You will learn how to:
- Release your fears to create a smoother labor
- Navigate intensity with practices that feel AMAZING
- Melt into your body and let your primal wisdom guide you in birth preparation and delivery
Prepare for birth with practices that honor your body's design, optimize best outcomes
and elevate your felt experience!
Get the bundle for just $20
Why prepare for an Ecstatic Birth?
Meeting your baby is one of the most sacred and memorable moments of your life! I want you to be able to ENJOY it!
At its best, the birth experience provides a powerful blend of emotional empowerment, spiritual connection, and physical ecstasy.
This type of birth is available to the fully conscious, fierce and well-prepared woman.
Let’s be honest, this is quite different from the experiences most women have birthing their children, experiences that are drenched with fear and pain. As a result, many new moms struggle postpartum with feelings of depletion, powerlessness and even trauma.
Can you imagine a world in which every baby grows in the light of a joyful empowered mother?
It may be the EXACT MEDICINE WE NEED for the future of this planet.
Give birth your way…
with pleasure.
I've been working with expectant moms, perinatal and birth practitioners for the past 10 years to bring more ease, flow, pleasure and ECSTASY into the birthing room.
This training will give you the foundation you need to plan for your own Ecstatic Birth!
Sign up and receive:
The Expectant Mama's Guide to Ecstatic Birth
This 10 day Ecstatic Birth email training is full of ideas and inspiration for preparing for your Ecstatic Birth.
I will hold your hand each step of the way as we explore:
- Finding Ecstasy in Childbirth
- Navigating your Options
- The Most Holistic Birthing Tool
- Pleasurable Birth Prep
- Disarming Your Fears
- Dancing with the Unexpected
- Motherhood and Beyond
...and so much MORE!
You don't want to miss a single delicious drop of this!
Additional Resources
As we go through the Expectant Mama's Guide to Ecstatic Birth, I will also share with you the following, powerful pdfs.
Sacred Sensual
Connecting you to the wonder and magic of your sexual self, an integral piece of reclamation necessary to embrace an Ecstatic Birth.
Invite Ecstasy
Your "cliff notes" to prepare for an Ecstatic Birth reminding you to train in both big and small ways for childbirth.
Orienting to Pleasure
A basic but potent body practice and some prompts to help you get the most out of this experience.
Plan your Birth-Day Party
Inviting you to explore ways to integrate pleasure into your birth plans and preparations.
Disarm your Fears
Get really clear on your primary fears and unravel them ahead of giving birth.
You will also receive access to this bonus!
Ecstatic Birth Training Session with Dr. Christiane Northrup!
Dr. Christiane Northrup is the opening speaker at the Ecstatic Birth Foundation Series where she illuminates the challenges in creating an Ecstatic Birth experience given current birthing conditions.
She discusses why pleasure — physical, emotional, or spiritual — is a necessary ingredient in birth and the steps we can take now, both in the hospital and at home, to infuse the birth process with more pleasure.
She is a board-certified ob/gyn, a visionary pioneer, a beloved authority in women’s health and wellness, and the author of the groundbreaking New York Times bestsellers Women’s Bodies,Women’s Wisdom (as well as many others!).
Get the Ecstatic Birth
training and resource bundle
to prepare for your Ecstatic Birth.
Get the bundle for just $20
Copyright 2021 Ecstatic Birth LLC. All rights reserved.