Ecstatic Birth
from Pain to Pleasure
Complimentary Masterclass
Give yourself the biggest most loving gift you can give yourself: Honoring your body, pleasure and feminine flow. These core elements have the power to transform physical childbirth from pain to pleasure and can also elevate your day to day from a contant "to-do" and go-go-go to one with presence, beauty, and flow. In this masterclass I will share with you the underlying blueprint to integrating the Feminine Flow of Creation and birthing all your babies, dreams and desires with PLEASURE.
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Much Love,

In this session we will:
- Explore how to integrate feminine principles into your creative and birthing process
- Uncover common spots of misalignment that cause birth to hurt
- Get a basic roadmap for the Feminine Flow of Creation
- Learn how to use Somatic practices to move through "sticky spots" in birth
- Elevate creation and birth with flow & pleasure
- ...and, above all, understand how to use your contractions for your next expansion!!!

Pain to pleasure masterclass replay
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Much Love,
Meet your host
Hi! I'm Sheila Kamara Hay
I am an Ecstatic Birth practitioner and a Yale and Columbia trained cultural sociologist on a mission to replace the pain paradigm with pleasure.
After a painful first birth experience, I was determined to find another way forward – a way that honored my body and my experience as a woman. I dove into birthwork, research, sensual expansion practices – anything I had to do to expand my body, mind, heart, and soul – and the birth experiences that followed were empowering, FUN, primal, powerful and ECSTATIC. In the last 10 years, I have supported countless women around the globe through the creation and reclamation of their Ecstatic Births and trained hundreds of birth practitioners to do the same for their clients.
Doing this work, it has become clear that the very elements we must reclaim to transform childbirth from pain to pleasure are one and the same to birth our soul's greatest dreams and desires. I can't wait to share this blueprint into the Feminine Flow of Creation with you!
Free Masterclass
Pain to Pleasure
An introduction to the Feminine Flow of Creation
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Much Love,
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