How to prepare for an
Ecstatic Birth!!
Complimentary email training for expectant moms, birth practitioners, and all committed to elevating birth experiences and outcomes.
Childbirth can be one of the most empowering, transformative and potentially pleasurable experiences in a woman's life!

Yes, you read that right, childbirth can be PLEASURABLE.
(Even though all we seem to hear about is the PAIN!)
This FREE 10 day email training walks you through the science, mindset shifts, strategies and practices to transform your understanding and experience of childbirth from pain to pleasure.
In just 5-10 minutes per day, learn how to Prepare for birth, honor the body's design,
and optimize best outcomes!
Why prepare for an Ecstatic Birth?
Let’s be honest, Ecstatic Birth is quite different from the experiences most women have birthing their children, experiences that are drenched with fear and pain.
As a result, many new moms struggle postpartum with feelings of depletion, powerlessness and even trauma.
The moment a baby is born is one of the most sacred and memorable moments of life!
Can you imagine a world in which every baby grows in the light of a joyful empowered mother?
It may be the EXACT MEDICINE WE NEED for the future of this planet.
Childbirth has the potential to provide a powerful blend of emotional empowerment, spiritual connection, and physical ecstasy.
Ecstatic Birth is available to the fully conscious, fierce and well-prepared woman.
Give birth your way…
with pleasure.
I've been working with expectant moms, perinatal and birth practitioners for the past 15 years to bring more ease, flow, pleasure and ECSTASY into the birthing room.
This training will give you the foundation you need to plan for your own Ecstatic Birth
...or support your clients in theirs!

What to expect on your journey
Each day over the next 10 days, you will receive an email in your inbox:
I will hold your hand each step of the way as we explore:
- Finding Ecstasy in Childbirth
- Navigating your Options
- The Most Holistic Birthing Tool
- Pleasurable Birth Prep
- Disarming Your Fears
- Dancing with the Unexpected
- Motherhood and Beyond
...and so much MORE!

You don't want to miss a single delicious drop of this, so make sure to sign up with your best email address!
Get the FREE training: How to
Prepare for an Ecstatic Birth!
Copyright 2021 Ecstatic Birth LLC. All rights reserved.