All Women Can Have An ECSTATIC BIRTH
Dear Mother-To-Be,
Meeting your sweet baby is one of the most profound and ecstatic experiences of your life!
And yet... what do you think of when you imagine childbirth?
FEAR and PAIN are the two words most associated with birth... and with good reason.
In a time and culture that does not honor a woman's body, her autonomy over it, or her choices, most women experience difficult labors and complications, depending on interventions to rescue them from the negative experiences our cultural conditions have created and perpetuated.
No wonder so many women feel disconnected from their bodies, victimized and even traumatized after giving birth.

It doesn't have to be this way!

Childbirth has the potential to be one of the most empowering, transformative and potentially pleasurable events in a woman's life.
I created O BABY! to show you exactly how to honor your body's design, your personal truth and tap into the BLISS that is inherently available to you when you birth deeply connected to your primal power.
In O BABY! our attention and INTENTION will be on:
- Practices that feel GREAT in your body and support you in labor and delivery.
- Disarming your fears so they don't disrupt the flow of your labor and trigger interventions.
- Consciously creating your birth to align with your deepest desires so that you remember this profound. moment with awe and celebration.
- Tapping into your primal wisdom & following its lead for an optimal birth experience.

It is my mission to empower you with everything you need to greet your baby and enter motherhood feeling strong, vibrant and full of JOY!
Read all the way through to discover how.
Much Love,
Sheila Kamara Hay
PS: I want EVERY woman to have this information! Sliding scale and purchase price parity adjustments available.
Please contact sheila@ecstatic-birth.com for consideration.
O Baby!
Who is this for?

Mothers-To-Be who are committed to--
- ENJOYing your rite of passage into motherhood (rather than enduring!)
- Birthing your babies consciously and with pleasure
- Honoring your body's processes and wisdom in childbirth for an easy delivery
- Training your body for pleasure in a way that feels really accessible and effective
- Releasing fear from your body and birth plans and be guided by LOVE
and of course...
- Fierce conscious women interested in conceiving and becoming mothers in the future!

Begin your Ecstatic Birth Training with O BABY!
- Let's Dive in -
The O BABY! Curriculum:

Foundations for Ecstasy
Activate your capacity for ecstasy in birth and life by delving into the realm of the body.

The Most Holistic Birthing Tool
Can you guess what it is?? PLEASURE! We illuminate how pleasure is not a reward or bonus, but an integral part of your birthing anatomy and process!

Embracing the Shadow
Those elements that you fear and try to avoid are fuelled by your resistance. We clear the way for your Ecstatic Birth by bringing light to the shadow and including it in your birth preparation.

Mmmmmm Pleasure!
Bringing pleasure to birth, surrounding yourself with pleasure, and accessing pleasure from within!!! So many tools, practices, tips... how deep do you dare to go?

O Mama!
Reveling in the nourishment, body connection, and pleasure you receive from preparing for an Ecstatic Birth and consciously bringing those gifts into motherhood.
Begin your Ecstatic Birth Training with O BABY!
- Let's Dive in -
What differences do you feel in your body?
"I feel more at one with my body. I didn’t realize how much pain I was in. I feel like I can turn myself on in seconds with my mind and breath. My body has been going on for years, tirelessly, doing everything I ask of it, without any thanks or praise. Slowing down and tuning into my body has helped slow down my mind and appreciate the little things and the little pleasures."
Kim, O BABY! Participant
What aha's have you had in relation to birth?
"I believe that this baby has a desire to be born in the best way possible, that my baby and I have the same desire! I knew that the way a baby is born affects their health and well-being throughout their lives, but now I’ve realized that the effort I put into tuning into my body and accessing pleasure from within affects the long-term health and well-being of my baby. Talk about the power of influence!"
Emily, O BABY! Participant
A bit about me!
Hi! I'm Sheila Kamara Hay
I am passionate about sharing tools and resources
for you to have your Ecstatic Birth experience.
Why? I personally have experienced the spectrum of births from the traumatic to the ecstatic. I loved being pregnant for the first time, was in awe of my body's wisdom and wanted to experience that in birth, but I did not know how to create that. My first experience was painful and disempowering and gave me a very rough start in motherhood.
I am a Yale and Columbia trained cultural sociologist, and I was determined to find another way.. a way that honored my body and my experience as a woman. I dove in deep... in birthwork, in research, in sensual expansion practices, anything to train myself.. body, mind, heart, and soul. What I discovered blew me away and led me to have 2 very different births, births that were empowering, FUN, primal, powerful, & ECSTATIC.
In the last 10 years I have supported countless women around the globe in the creation and reclamation of their Ecstatic Births and have trained birth practitioners to do the same for their clients.
O BABY! is the very heart of my work, the distillation of all my training and research in one very potent and sexy package!
It is everything I wish I would have known when preparing for my first birth-- the very things that could have prevented my traumatic birth (and support you in creating your ECSTATIC Birth!)
O BABY! paves the way for a glorious, EMPOWERED AND ECSTATIC entrance into motherhood!


“It is you and your contemporaries who have caught the torch that I have been holding high since I was 22!!! It’s nice to rest my arm a bit now– and see the torch shining even brighter!!!”
Dr. Christiane Northrup
Women’s Wellness Advocate and OB/GYN, #1 NYT Bestselling Author

“The voice of Sheila Kamara Hay is both wanted and needed in the world of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. She is helping women to redefine the birth experience and make birth into their own powerful evolution. I love her work and her commitment to women!”
Regena Thomashauer
Founder of Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts, #1 NYT Bestselling Author

"Wise, joyful, and sensuous are the words that flow as I think of Sheila sharing her wisdom on Ecstatic- Birth! I love her insights as she guides us to reconnect with our feminine power, knowledge and intuition."
Debra Pascali-Bonaro
Director and Co-Author: Orgasmic Birth, DONA Doula Trainer and Chair of International Mother/Baby Childbirth Organization
How do you want to show up for your baby?
- Fueled by respect, love, safety, and ECSTASY and creating that lifelong imprint in your baby's body
- Deeply connected to your body and intuition, your mothering superpowers!
- Caring for your child with the full force of your LOVE and ENERGY

Too many new moms struggle postpartum with
feelings of depletion, powerlessness and even trauma.
It doesn't have to be that way.
O BABY! short circuits and rewires many of the underlying causes of these negative outcomes and feelings, empowering you to enter motherhood feeling STRONG, VIBRANT and JOYFUL!
You deserve this... and so does your baby.
- Let's Dive in -
What You Get in O Baby!
A REVOLUTIONARY package specifically designed for you to prepare for PLEASURE in childbirth!!

✓ 5 Seminars over 5 Days
✓ Cutting Edge Content, Mindset Shifts, Tools & Practical Exercises
✓ Body Practices to Access Pleasure in Birth
✓ Done for you Notes to Enhance Learning & Implementation
✓ Worksheets and Journal Prompts to Dive DEEP
✓ Downloadable Recordings and PDFs
Begin your Ecstatic Birth Training with O BABY!

“My favorite part was learning that pleasure can be just feeling secure with dim lights, cuddles and warmth. I also liked the way to work with shadows considering if something that I desire is not going to happen, then what? It allows me to go more into letting go, trusting and embracing the process, my body and myself.”
Expectant Mother
“O Baby is everything you could want and more. The worksheets, journal prompts, guided meditations, lectures, and live Q&A will change your pregnancy, birth, motherhood journey and your whole life. I can’t say enough good things about this. This program is for everyone, regardless of your birth plan. I highly recommend it! I’m so glad I did this. It’s not even over yet! I have endless things to journal and practice.”
Expectant Mother
“O Baby has helped me not only increase my sexual pleasure, but has given me the tools to honor my body’s cravings for pleasure and bringing more of that into my life - the fresh cool air on my skin, my baby’s hugs, the smell of the honeysuckle... why have I not allowed myself to find copious amounts of pleasure from these simple joys the Divine has already provided? O Baby has helped me realize the power in surrendering and the ecstasy that has surrounded me every day.”
Expectant Mother
“I learned very practical things like how to raise my sexual energy and I feel that I can receive more of the good things in life now. Before I would sometime feel uncomfortable to receive gifts or other good expressions of life, and now I feel just grateful and staying in my body, allowing myself to feel the good sensations instead of avoiding them. Thank you for this program!”
Expectant Mother