Give Birth with PLEASURE

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Would you like to let go of all the pain and fear embedded in birth consciousness and open to another possibility? One in which birth is transformative, empowering and even ecstatic?

Do you want to learn how to use the most holistic birthing tool available to you- pleasure - to support the flow of labor? How to create and enjoy this sacred rite of passage into motherhood?

Are you awakening to ways of being that honor your body, cycles and sexuality?

And ready to tap into the profound blueprint of childbirth to support you in birthing your babies, dreams and desires? With ease? Flow? And PLEASURE?

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If so, this is the place for you!

Hey lovely, I'm Sheila.
I am passionate about supporting you in your ecstatic birtH!

Why? I personally have experienced the spectrum of births from the traumatic to the ecstatic and understand what a dramatic difference it makes to the health and vibrancy of a new mom and her baby.

Over the last 10 years, I have supported hundreds of women around the globe in the creation and reclamation of their Ecstatic Births. I'm honored that you are here.


Inspiration, practices and resources for your highest pleasure in life and birth!

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Free Masterclass


Essential Keys to Ecstatic Birth


It’s time to turn everything you’ve been told about childbirth upside down and inside out. Get instant access to this FREE masterclass to learn more about the PLEASURE available to you in birth and how to access it.

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Complimentary masterclass

for Perinatal and Birth Practitioners

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Empower your clients with skills and practices that strengthen their connection to their bodies and their fierce feminine wisdom.

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Pleasure reBirth,

a Sensual Expansion journey

You will learn how these 3 elements can really support you in navigating intensity in a way that FEELS good.

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How to work with me

Oh Baby!

For Expectant Mothers

A revolutionary Ecstatic Birth training program for future and expectant moms to prepare- body, mind, heart and soul- for childbirth. O BABY offers a profound combination of information, mindset shifts, tools and practices to prepare for a transformative, empowering and pleasurable experience in birth!!

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The Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training

For birth practitioners

If you are a fierce stand for transforming the landscape of birth from pain to pleasure, get fully trained in Ecstatic Birth preparation and support and become an Ecstatic Birth Practitioner™

This Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training is a year long embodiement and certification program for current and aspiring perinatal and birth practitioners.

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The Ecstatic

For women

The Ecstatic Goddess Program is a profound journey to reclaim our joy, deep body connection, and pleasure in all we create and birth.  We explore the Feminine FLOW of Creation™,  the  biological blueprint of BIRTH and uncover the leaps and reclamations necessary to transform the experience of all creation from pain and fear to joy and pleasure.

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Ecstatic Birth Private Training 

For Expectant Mothers

For future and expectant moms fully committed to welcoming your baby from a place of joy, empowerment, transformation and PLEASURE.  Ecstatic Birth Private training covers all the tenets of Ecstatic Birth preparation and is custom tailored to you: your body, your desires, your fears and concerns.

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Sensual Expansion Private Training

For women

Each and every one of us has access to Ecstatic and Multi-Orgasmic states of PLEASURE.  Sensual Expansion Private Training is the ultimate  invitation to explore and open to all the pleasure that is available to you in your body, in this lifetime, guided by the seed of your DESIRE.

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Kundalini Activation

For women

An energetic transmission to clear whatever is standing between you and your life force energy. Sexual energy is life force energy and is essential to our vitality and joy. It is used for the creation of babies, yes, but also for our creativity in life, the creation of our soul's babies, our dreams and desires.

what they say about me

“My clients no longer describe their births as painful!”

Samara Concepción
Doula, Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training

“I caught my baby in the tub in my bedroom–it really was my dream birth. Thank you!”

Robin Illian
CPM, Sacopee Valley Birthing Services, O Baby!

"It is you and your contemporaries who have caught the torch that I have been holding high since I was 22!!!”

Dr. Christiane Northrup
Women’s Wellness Advocate, NYT Best Selling Author, OB/GYN


"I learned that the fear-based culture of birth could be transformed by the revolutionary philosophy of prioritizing pleasure. Who would’ve thought?"

Sherri Doucette
Doula, Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training

“My ecstatic birth cracked me open to grace, grief, gratitude, and immense love unlike any I’ve ever felt. What a suitable rite of passage into motherhood…”

Expectant Mother, Private Client

“You have given me such a gift-a whole new image of what the journey of pregnancy and labor can be!”

Expectant Mother, O Baby!

“Ecstatic Birth has impacted my whole perspective on sex, birth, and even life.”

Awakened Woman, Community Member

“Connecting with Sheila was pinnacle to me having an experience from which I walked away with my head held high.”

Expectant Mother, Private Client


“Wise, joyful, and sensuous are the words that flow as I think of Sheila sharing her writing and wisdom on Ecstatic-Birth! I love her insights as she guides us to reconnect with our feminine power, knowledge and intuition.”

Debra Pascali-Bonaro
Director and Co Author–Orgasmic Birth


"I’ve developed skills to guide clients to their truth and how to deepen their awareness of their body intelligence."

Dr. Peta Elmer
Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training


“Sheila is an incredible woman who is not only a magnet for leading authorities in the field of Women’s Health, but also an embodied advocate for everything she promotes.”

Saida Désilets
PhD, Author of the Emergence of the Sensual Woman



“Sheila is helping women to redefine the birth experience and make birth into their own powerful evolution.”

Regena Thomashauer
NYT Bestselling Author, Founder of Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts


“An experience unlike any other in my education about the Feminine” 

Awakened Woman, Ecstatic Goddess


"The knowledge I've received + embodiment I've learned has not only helped transform my life, but will also help the countless birthing women and mamas to whom I'll pass this on to.”

Jenny Braxton
Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training

Ecstatic Birth as seen in
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Want to go
even deeper?

I’ve created several experiences to help you open your body to pleasure, prepare for your Ecstatic Birth, honor your feminine flow and activate the core wisdom of birth …  or even become certified as an Ecstatic Birth Practitioner™

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