How do you harness the power and pleasure in your body to have a safe and easy delivery? Can you really enjoy childbirth? How is that possible?
Is it possible for you?
How do you navigate your birth option to find
the ones that are right for you?

You will learn all this and more directly from the experts in the field.
Moderated by Sheila Kamara Hay, the Ecstatic Birth Training Sessions features Dr. Christiane Northrup, Ina May Gaskin, Mama Gena, Debra Pascali-Bonaro, Sheri Winston and many other leaders in the worlds of childbirth, female health and sexuality.
Included are twenty 90 minute audio sessions, accompanying pdfs, and transcripts.
The Ecstatic Birth Training Sessions
are delivered in two modules:

Foundation Series
Body Series
Module 1: The Foundation Series lays the foundation for Ecstatic Birth preparation and support.
Topics include:
- The growth and pleasure potential available to women in the birth journey
- The underlying philosophy and physiology inherent in the ecstatic birth experience
- How to consciously create a birth environment conducive to experiencing an ecstatic birth
- The importance of a woman’s relation to her sensuality, how to deepen the connection, and tap into it during birth
- Concrete tools and exercises for ecstatic and potentially orgasmic birth preparation
- How to flip the current cultural model of expectant mother as object, and prepare and experience birth from an empowered stance
- How to surrender and party with all that comes up during birth, especially the unexpected
Module 2: The Body Series explores living in your body, accessing the power, pleasure, and wisdom from within, and how to integrate that in childbirth.
Topics include:
- The interwoven nature of a woman’s birthing and sexual anatomy and how deeply this informs our birth experience
- How to get out of our heads and prepare for “birth as a body trip”
- The importance of a woman’s relationship to her sensuality, and how to deepen this connection and tap into it during birth
- Concrete tools and exercises for ecstatic and potentially orgasmic birth preparation
- The underlying physiology inherent in the ecstatic birth experience
- Practices to fully inhabit the body and connect to its innate wisdom
Ready to soak in this groundbreaking information?
Ecstatic Birth
Training Sessions Module One:
The Foundation Series

Session 1: Christiane Northrup, M.D.
The leading expert in women’s health and sensuality illuminates the challenges in creating an Ecstatic Birth experience, given current birthing conditions. She discusses why pleasure — physical, emotional, or spiritual — is a necessary ingredient in birth and the steps we can take now, both in the hospital and at home, to infuse the birth process with more pleasure.
Christiane Northrup, M.D., a board-certified ob/gyn, is a visionary pioneer, beloved authority in women’s health and wellness, and the author of the groundbreaking New York Times bestsellers Women’s Bodies,Women’s Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause. For more information about Dr. Northrup and her Wisdom Circle, please visit
"I love, love, LOVE ecstatic birth...."
“I love, love, LOVE Ecstatic Birth and the permission it gives woman to be free, yummy, powerful, incredible, sexy, sexual, full of love, and birth how we are suppose to birth (ourselves and our babies)! The teachers have been amazing and the book references they gave have been transformative!!!!
Andrea F., Doula and Participant in The Ecstatic Birth Foundation Series
Order the Ecstatic Birth Training Sessions today and begin learning directly from leaders and visionaries in birth, women's health and SExuality!
Ecstatic Birth
Training Sessions Module Two:
The Body Series

Session 1: Sheri Winston
This revolutionary midwife-turned-sexual-educator teaches her signature Woman’s Anatomy of Arousal class from the perspective of a birthing woman. Participants gain a thorough understanding of a woman’s sexual and birthing anatomy, which are similar in many ways above and beyond form.
Sheri Winston (CNM, RN, BSN, LMT) is a nationally known sex teacher, author, and former midwife. Her 2009 book,Women’s Anatomy of Arousal: Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure, recently won the 2010 AASECT (American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists) Book of the Year award. For more information, please visit
" comes at such a perfect time..."
“I have enjoyed every session I have listened to and it comes at such a perfect time for me as I try to focus on my strength and inner wisdom to bring this baby into the world. Each speaker has been so positive and gentle, it’s like meditation to listen to their calls and connect with their energy.”
Tina M., expectant mother and participant in the Body Series
Order the Ecstatic Birth Training Sessions to open the doorway of possibility for empowerment, joy and pleasure in birth and motherhood!