Blog Post
39 weeks and “Eeeek….!”
Since l began offering my complimentary pleasure training strategy sessions, I have had the privilege of speaking with quite a few women at various stages of expectant motherhood, some pregnant and others hoping to be soon.
The overwhelming majority of calls I get are from mamas who are in what I call the “eeeek” zone, late 3rd trimester and full of fear.
At such a late stage in pregnancy it may feel like it is too late to undertake any truly transformational birth preparation. In reality there are still major shifts that can make a huge difference taking her from “eeek” to positive anticipation of her baby’s birth.
Disarming your fears and using pleasure as a comfort tool are two accessible birth prep tools that can be utilized even at this late stage of pregnancy.
Fears bubbling to the surface prior to birth are fears that will govern and complicate childbirth if you do not disarm them. I work with women to really look at their fears and gather support around them, so they no longer feel so scary.
Fear is the #1 cause of increased pain during labor as well as a major cause of complications during birth .
Fear, whether conscious or unconscious, disrupts the flow of energy during birth, causing tension and ultimately resistance to the birthing process in the body. Disarming your fears ahead of birth as much as possible prevents those fears from hijacking the birth process and paves the way for smoother labor and delivery.
The second major shift is consciously using pleasure as a tool during labor and delivery. Ecstatic Birth prep incorporates learning to access pleasure from within as well as accessing pleasure from the world around you. The latter approach can be incorporated effectively as late as the 3rd trimester.
The idea is simple- surround yourself with people, circumstances, and things that fill you with a sense of extravagant love, safety, inspiration, and pleasure. Imagine your birthing room is receiving a queen- what would you surround her with? Begin by thinking of all your senses, how can you indulge, delight, revel each of them.. what can you bring and incorporate into your birthing space to elevate you and support you in accessing your inner power?
Each birthing mama is a queen and deserves to feel like she is basking in love and delight.
Hormonally the physical experience of pleasure supports the process of labor and birth. It enables our body to relax and flow through the sensations and open deeper and wider than ever before. If ever there was a time to tap into the sacred sensual it is in birth!
Women matter. Their experiences entering the realm of motherhood really matter, both to them and to their babies.
If you know someone who is pregnant or hoping to be soon, please consider introducing them to Ecstatic Birth and the work I do.
Let’s help the women we love experience this crucial rite of passage with joy, empowerment, delight and pleasure.
Much love,

PS: You deserve to have an empowering and pleasurable birth experience and so does your baby!
Currently enrolling:
A Revolutionary combination of information, mindset shifts, tools and practices to prepare for PLEASURE in childbirth!! O BABY! is the very heart of my work, the distillation of all my training and research in one very potent and sexy package!
O BABY! is everything I wish I would have known when preparing for my first birth– the very things that could have prevented my traumatic birth (and support you in creating your ECSTATIC Birth!) ????
Expectant and Future Mamas, read on….
