
Resources for Expectant Mothers

Becoming a mom is a beautiful and sacred rite of passage!! Here are some resources to guide and inspire you in navigating this journey with PLEASURE. In these blogs you will find a range of Ecstatic Birth stories, advice and practices for elevating your felt experience in childbirth and beyond. Take your time, savor and ENJOY!

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Ecstatic Birth, Pleasure & reBirth

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Ecstatic Birth is 100% teachable and learnable! I'm excited to introduce you to UK mom ...

Improve Birth Outcomes Dramatically!

During my daughter's birth. I labored in a tub was rocking all my tools, presence and breath. But then I transition hit and I ...

MY BODY FEELS… antidote for when things seem “hard”

The last few weeks I’ve found myself dragging my feet around the house, struggling to write at my computer, very very SLOW and if ...

Locating Pleasure Amidst Intensity

Childbirth can be INTENSE!Ecstatic Birth is not about denying that intensity... or even numbing it or avoiding it in order to have a great ...

A simple strategy to elevate your birth experience

Childbirth can be deeply empowering, pleasurable, ecstatic and even orgasmic. Yet most women experience the opposite. There is a HUGE  gap between the possibility ...

How to Melt into Your Sensuality to Prepare for an Ecstatic Birth

Sensuality is a powerful tool women can use to enhance their experience during labor and birth. Melting into her sensual nature allows a birthing ...
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Free Masterclass


Essential Keys to Ecstatic Birth


It’s time to turn everything you’ve been told about childbirth upside down and inside out. Get instant access to this FREE masterclass to learn more about the PLEASURE available to you in birth and how to access it.

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Transforming Birth Culture around the World

Nothing excites me more than when I can bring you a story of how we as birthworkers can change the world through our own ...

The Surprising Consequences of Energy “O”s

In a world full of war, disease and radical injustice, why should you care about learning to have Energy Orgasms?!? Oh let me count ...

Ecstatic Birth is 100% Teachable and Learnable!

Ecstatic Births are possible for EVERYONE. You can prepare for them. You can teach them. You can support clients in them. I can say ...

Improve Birth Outcomes Dramatically!

During my daughter's birth. I labored in a tub was rocking all my tools, presence and breath. But then I transition hit and I ...

MY BODY FEELS… antidote for when things seem “hard”

The last few weeks I’ve found myself dragging my feet around the house, struggling to write at my computer, very very SLOW and if ...

The Most Holistic Birthing Tool

How can we support a birth to progress with as much ease as possible? There are many many tools an expectant mama and her ...

Embodiment for Birth Anti-Racism and Postpartum Nourishment

Given our cultural conditioning and legacy giving birth can feel pretty scary as it is. Add in a pandemic. Add in being a black ...

Vaginal Steaming

Vaginal Steaming is a time-old healing tradition, meandering its way into mainstream consciousness. While it is contraindicated during pregnancy, there are tremendous benefits for ...

Meditation for a Pain-Free Birth

Is your body your ally? Or your nemesis? So often, it feels like our body is betraying us. One of the biggest lessons I ...

My clients no longer describe their births as painful!

I remember sitting at an extended family dinner a couple of months after my first (traumatic) birth and hearing someone share “If I could ...

Meet a Birth Revolutionary!

15 years ago when I was fiercely preparing for my "reclamation" birth, reading everything I could, practicing, learning... I came across Laura Shanley and ...

An Orgasmic and Transcendent Birth Story

How is it possible for birth to be a pleasurable experience when all we seem to hear about is the PAIN? Emilia Flor Vogt ...

Self-Advocacy in Childbirth

How do you stand for yourself during pregnancy and birth? How do you navigate a system that may not align with your desires? How ...
Conversation to Transform Birth

Every Woman Can Do This!

Wow.. there is so much inspiration in this Conversation to Transform Birth for our expectant mothers!! When a woman has a desire for an ...

How do you prepare for an Ecstatic Birth?

The day your baby is born is one of the most momentous days of your life. Childbirth can be one of the most transformative ecstatic ...

An Ecstatic, Orgasmic, and DIVINE Birth!

"My recent birth with my second son Silver was the most ecstatic experience of my life bringing me closer to divine bliss than ever ...

Cycle-Synching Misses This HUGE Piece

I'm thrilled with all the wisdom rising up around how to honor our cycles.   As women we are cyclical beings. As mammals, bodies that ...

Forging your UNIQUE path

There is no "right" way to birth, only the right way for YOU. This is a foundational principle of Ecstatic Birth. So much of ...

ReBirth… with Ecstasy!

If you didn't have the birth you'd hoped for... If you worry about how a "negative" birth experience has imprinted your child, If you ...
Blissed out in Childbirth!

Blissed out… in Childbirth!

There is a whole wide  range of pleasure available to a woman in childbirth, emotional, spiritual and physical and so many nuances in between:  Ecstasy, ...

Feeling heavy?

So many of the women I speak to these days feel triggered, depressed, angry, tired, numb or heavy.  The first thing you need to ...

When it hurts SO bad…

Let's get real:  More women experience pain than pleasure in birth. So much of our medical system is built around rescuing women from the intensity ...

Against All Odds: An Ecstatic Birth

You may think everything needs to be perfect in order to have an Ecstatic Birth-- a loving partner, the perfect birth environment, unwavering support.  ...

An Invitation…

You are invited to be the guest of honor at the soul shakin’, life-altering party known as Birth. Lady, we will place you on a ...

Painless Contractions

Childbirth can be intense but that does not mean it has to be painful.Have you ever experienced intense euphoria?An intense orgasm?Or an intense moment ...