Blog Post
Childbirth is Different Now
The full anatomy of the clitoris wasn’t explored until 1998 with discoveries emerging as recently as 2005. Our understanding of this misunderstood part of our feminine selves is less than 20 years old.Can you see what this means?
Not a single childbearing woman today in the US had access to truly understanding the depth and breadth of her pleasure anatomy when she was growing up.
The point, ladies, is that even though women have been birthing since the beginning of time, the landscape is now completely different. The consciousness you grew up with which did not value your experience or your pleasure or the role of pleasure in your sexual birthing body is OUTDATED.
We know more about the clitoris now than ever before and here is the crux of it– it is not a “bonus” or side show in any way, a little button to play with for kicks.
It is an integral part of our female reproductive anatomy that goes DEEP into and surrounds our feminine centers. This has MASSIVE repercussions for childbirth that begin with this simple idea:
Pleasure is not a reward for a job well done, but a vital component of doing a something well.
Most women have no concept that pleasure isn’t just a possible “bonus” in the birthing process (or even that!), but that it is actually an integral part…
At a time, when Lamaze International reports less women than ever before are taking childbirth ed…. it is MOST critical and GAME CHANGING.
Never before have there been SO MANY opportunities to raise your consciousness and learn about the glory and pleasure and ecstasy available to you in your body during birth or otherwise!
The image of the clitoris above comes from the Huff post which has taken on the movement of Cliteracy, begun by conceptual artist Sophia Wallace. It provides a fascinating read on our socio-cultural relationship with our pleasure center. I highly recommend you taking a look here and really feeling into how undermined the value of female pleasure has been through time AND feeling into the rising power of it today (finally!).
But the overwhelming point I want to make AGAIN is that WE HAVE SO MUCH TO LEARN!!!
To begin to reclaim this piece, you must MUST must raise your consciousness around birth!
Get started today with this complimentary masterclass, or dive in deep with O BABY!, my signature Ecstatic Birth training program for mothers to be.
Much love,

PS: You deserve to have an empowering and pleasurable birth experience and so does your baby!
Currently enrolling:
A Revolutionary combination of information, mindset shifts, tools and practices to prepare for PLEASURE in childbirth!! O BABY! is the very heart of my work, the distillation of all my training and research in one very potent and sexy package!
O BABY! is everything I wish I would have known when preparing for my first birth– the very things that could have prevented my traumatic birth (and support you in creating your ECSTATIC Birth!) ????
Expectant and Future Mamas, read on….
