Dance with me

My mind can be so serious. If there is a problem, let’s discuss it, think about it, tackle it, fight. I tried arguing with the hospital staff during my first birth and learned that fighting leads to nowhere but pain and trauma.
I got wiser with my second and really thought about the issues, support, preparation, learning to surrender. I consciously created space for my mind to melt and my body to take over. That birth was much better.
My third birth was all about pleasure. Due to a sluggish labor, I started dancing. I danced that little girl down through my body and ecstasy replaced pain as my partner. Dance is one of the most sacred paths from maidenhood to motherhood.
Who knew dance could be so powerful?
Who knew pleasure is a force to be reckoned with???
Right now, 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime.
This is serious stuff.
This Valentine’s Day, I will join ONE BILLION RISING a revolution of women and men who will WALK OUT, DANCE, RISE UP, and DEMAND an end to violence against women and girls.
V-Day’s global movement will have people dancing all around the globe in nearly every country around the world.
The intellectual in me might think- what can dance do? But the woman in me has learned that sometimes softness is more powerful than force. Sometimes pleasure does what fighting can not.
If we live in an energetic world (we do), the energy that flows from us when joyful and full of pleasure should contribute to world peace (it does).
Historically and throughout cultures dance has been used for expression, to tell stories that go beyond words.
ONE BILLION RISING is a promise that on February 14th, we will ensure that millions of women and men rise up around the world to say, “ENOUGH. The violence ends NOW.”
Get up, dance, and express your deepest desires for womankind through the ecstasy of movement.
We need you.
Much Love,
Much love,

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