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Locating ECSTASY through movement

I am really excited about this conversation with Stephanie Larson, Founder of Dancing for Birth, because for me, and so many others,


So much fun and a powerful gateway to ECSTASY!

Incredibly effective in managing intensity of energy flow!

Powerful in transmuting sensations from pain to PLEASURE!

Supportive of the body’s physiological process in labor!


*Dance is a way to connect with your deep feminine wisdom

*Get a little LESS LADY LIKE!

*A power pose to reduce/ eliminate the need for extended pushing

*The fallacy about having a “big enough” pelvic opening

*From a hormonal perspective, BIRTH IS THE BIGGEST HIGH your body will ever experience 🙂

*Dance can support you throughout your pregnancy, birth and postpartum

…and so much MORE!

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Welcome! I'm Sheila Kamara Hay

I’m passionate about providing you with inspiration, practices and resources for your highest pleasure in life and birth!

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Much love,
Sheila Signature

PS:  Inspired? Consider joining the The Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training, the only certification program for birth practitioners that addresses the integrative nature of birth and sex, pleasure as the most holistic birthing tool and focuses on YOUR embodiment.

Currently enrolling:

The Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training

Birthworkers, do you want your clients to experience birth as the natural and ecstatic rite of passage it was meant to be? Do you desire new tools to elevate birth experiences from pain so mothers feel empowered? Do you feel committed to revolutionizing birth from fear and victimization to a sacred and liberating portal? I’ve got something special just for you…

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Complimentary masterclass

for Perinatal and Birth Practitioners

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Empower your clients with skills and practices that strengthen their connection to their bodies and their fierce feminine wisdom.

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