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Meet a Birth Revolutionary!

15 years ago when I was fiercely preparing for my “reclamation” birth, reading everything I could, practicing, learning…

I came across Laura Shanley and wow was my world turned inside out and upside down.

Laura is one of the leaders in the unassisted childbirth movement.

While, unassisted birth is not something I am particularly drawn to, it struck me then–

How can a woman feel SO confident in her body and her ability to birth…

How is it possible to clear ALL (or enough) of your fears,

…to be able to confidently choose an unassisted birth??

Still healing from my first traumatic birth, this was foreign territory to me.

I tore through Laura’s website looking for the answers to these Qs.

What I found was something so totally unexpected that I immediately printed every last page and read it to myself every night before bed.

She had a tab.. one of many on her site.. called–

“Your Sensual Self”

Now, I’ve always had a deep connection to my sensual self, but IN BIRTH??? This was a new idea to me.

Back then, Laura was the only one in the vast wide landscape of birth wisdom actively talking about and sharing this!!

This woman played a huge role in raising my birth consciousness.

Laura Shanley is a true Birth Revolutionary.. and one that opened the doorway for me personally in integrating birth and sex.

Meet Birth Revolutionary Laura Shanley, in a frank conversation about her own birth experiences, challenging the status quo and creating counter culture via her sacred work.


** EDUCATE yourself about birth to find alignment within YOURSELF around safety and best outcomes
** It is more important to strengthen your own center than to fight the naysayers
**It is KEY to do the inner work to overcome fears, your own personal ones and those evoked by going against society
**Fear constricts your body’s blood flow, including to your uterus, which contributes to the experience of birth being painful.
**Childbirth is a key moment of integration between sexuality and spirituality
**Cultivate your own inner voice and knowing to support you in creating your Ecstatic Birth
**As a birth revolutionary, think of yourself as a “seed planter”.. you may not always see the results of your work right away, but those seeds will gestate and blossom in the hearts and bodies of your clients and community

…and so much MORE!

In our conversation, I did ask Laura the Qs about clearing birth fears and trusting the body and she surprised me!

Her answer was not woo woo in any way, but deeply grounded in the logical rational mind.

It is well worth watching the Conversation to Transform Birth to hear the answer directly from Laura.

You can connect with Laura Shanley and learn more about her work and book here. 

To activate your sacred birth work, consider joining the Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training beginning in JUNE.

Laura is a featured Guest Teacher!

Stay in the loop with future Conversations to Transform birth by joining my mailing list below.


Welcome! I'm Sheila Kamara Hay

I’m passionate about providing you with inspiration, practices and resources for your highest pleasure in life and birth!

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Much love,
Sheila Signature

PS:  Inspired? Consider joining the The Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training, the only certification program for birth practitioners that addresses the integrative nature of birth and sex, pleasure as the most holistic birthing tool and focuses on YOUR embodiment.

Currently enrolling:

The Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training

Birthworkers, do you want your clients to experience birth as the natural and ecstatic rite of passage it was meant to be? Do you desire new tools to elevate birth experiences from pain so mothers feel empowered? Do you feel committed to revolutionizing birth from fear and victimization to a sacred and liberating portal? I’ve got something special just for you…

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Empower your clients with skills and practices that strengthen their connection to their bodies and their fierce feminine wisdom.

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