Blog Post

New Moon Magic

I’m sitting with the darkness tonight…

We are moving into our darkest days here in the northern hemisphere.

The new moon is upon us and my body is also surrendering to the dark moon of my cycle.

I used to dread the descent into darkness and if I am fully honest, there is a part of me that still resists…

It is the wisdom of the Feminine Flow of Creation that reminds me to lean in. 

There is magic in the darkness.

(Exquisite Moon Art by Lucia Dami)

It is in the darkness of the womb that the spark of life is lit.

It is in the darkness of the soil that a seed is activated.

These times are OUR fertile ground.

Ecstatic Birth is an invitation to remember the sacredness of our body and the exquisite ECSTATIC pleasure that we receive when we do.

Our bodies remind us that ALL creation is fueled by DESIRE.

The Feminine Flow of Creation teaches us that the seed of desire is planted in the DARK.

So on this dark night…

I ask you to consider, what do you DESIRE?

This is the first step in our collective awakening and reclamation– to be able to sit with the dark.

Not hide or run from it.., but surrender fully to the darkness and from this place, consciously plant the seeds of your DESIRE…

Coming into alignment with the wisdom of the body and the Feminine Flow of Creation is the beating heart of my Ecstatic Goddess Program.

See all the juicy details here.


Welcome! I'm Sheila Kamara Hay

I’m passionate about providing you with inspiration, practices and resources for your highest pleasure in life and birth!

Begin here:
Much love,
Sheila Signature

PS:  For a limited time, I am offering the Ecstatic Goddess program discounted and bundled with 3 Kundalini Activation Sessions to amplify your FLOW. There are also limited VIP spaced available for personalized support.

See all the details and join here.

Currently enrolling:

The Ecstatic Goddess

The Ecstatic Goddess journey is an invitation to forge a revolutionary new path in birthing your soul's babies: your dreams and desires, a path that honors the body and the feminine.

We will explore the underlying design of the Feminine FLOW of Creation™ - a blueprint that will lead you back to your body, amplify your ecstatic pleasure, and allow you to realize your deepest desires with ease and joy!

EB - Gold Divider


EB - Pleasure reBirth Icons_Tripwire Iphone Mockup
Pleasure reBirth,

a Sensual Expansion journey

You will learn how these 3 elements can really support you in navigating intensity in a way that FEELS good.
