Blog Post
Postpartum: Ecstatic or Traumatic?
As passionate as I am about Ecstatic BIRTH, childbirth is a portal. The true journey is that of motherhood.
How can we create an Ecstatic experience in motherhood? Even in those early days when everything is new and raw and tender?
I’m excited to share with you a woman who is devoting her career to supporting moms and doula’s in creating an optimal postpartum period.
I know you’ll enjoy this Conversation to Transform Birth with Darcy Sauers!
*Create a Bubble of oxytocin
*Support allows for you to focus on the most important thing: presence
*Plan your postpartum period ahead
*You are the MOTHER: You get to choose
*For those supporting a struggling mom- listen and ask her what she needs
*Her path is not your path- Hold the vision for her!
…and so much MORE!
For more on–
Ecstatic Birth for moms, click here.
Ecstatic Birth for practitioners, click here.
Download The Doula Darcy’s Postpartum Planning Template here.
To stay in the loop with all Conversations to Transform Birth, join my email list below.
Much love,

PS: You deserve to have an empowering and pleasurable birth experience and so does your baby!
Currently enrolling:
A Revolutionary combination of information, mindset shifts, tools and practices to prepare for PLEASURE in childbirth!! O BABY! is the very heart of my work, the distillation of all my training and research in one very potent and sexy package!
O BABY! is everything I wish I would have known when preparing for my first birth– the very things that could have prevented my traumatic birth (and support you in creating your ECSTATIC Birth!) ????
Expectant and Future Mamas, read on….
