Blog Post
What No One is Talking About…
I’m getting a little tired of all this talk about how we can survive the pandemic. How about you?
Yes, survival is a basic requirement to live but I don’t want to live to just survive. I want to live to THRIVE.

The desire to THRIVE is full of implicit privilege when many people are struggling to survive. This has always been true, even in our pre-covid19 reality.
Feeling guilty about our privilege serves no one. Keeping ourselves stuck in survival mode serves no one.
I believe it is our RESPONSIBILITY to thrive and use our privilege and responsibility to create the change we want to see in the world, to bring our gifts to our children, communities and clients.
The low bar of SURVIVAL has governed our medical system in relation to childbirth for too long. Ironically, all the interventions designed to help us survive actually create WORSE outcomes, not better, when they are overused.
The women who are raising the next generation of humanity deserve better… they deserve a system that holds a higher bar, one that allows them to THRIVE.
That is not greedy or selfish or unrealistic… quite the opposite.
What no one is talking about is that the very conditions that allow a birthing mom to thrive address and TRANSCEND survival.
In times of heightened fear and uncertainty it is especially important to empower your clients with skills and practices that strengthen their connection to their bodies and their fierce feminine wisdom.
I’m all in on the topic of THRIVING right now!
This week’s Conversation to Transform Birth features a birth SUPERSTAR, Debra Pascali-Bonaro who lead the way into uncharted waters with the Orgasmic Birth documentary and now has released a new book on a topic that, once again, no one is talking about: “Sex After Baby”
Debra is also chair of the International Mother Baby Childbirth Initiative, co-chair of the International Childbirth Initiative, Advisor to the Healthy Birth Sanctum in India, Lamaze International childbirth educator, and birth and postpartum doula trainer with DONA International where she has worked with women, men, midwives, doulas, and physicians in over 40 countries bringing comfort, love and pleasure to birth and life!
**Sexuality is life force energy
**Sexuality and pleasure are immune-boosting
**Stress and fear decrease the functioning of your immune system
**Thriving… addresses concerns about survival, but sets the bar much higher
**Pleasure is a powerful tool in contractive moments, like labor, like a pandemic
**Committing to your body, your pleasure is the most potent work you can to THRIVE
Debra Pascali-Bonaro is a featured guest teacher in the Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training!
To learn more about Debra and her new “Sex after Baby Course” click here.
This is not the time “to hope for the best.”
This is the time to GET FIERCE.
Holding space for the highest outcome for all ????
Much love,

PS: You deserve to have an empowering and pleasurable birth experience and so does your baby!
Currently enrolling:
A Revolutionary combination of information, mindset shifts, tools and practices to prepare for PLEASURE in childbirth!! O BABY! is the very heart of my work, the distillation of all my training and research in one very potent and sexy package!
O BABY! is everything I wish I would have known when preparing for my first birth– the very things that could have prevented my traumatic birth (and support you in creating your ECSTATIC Birth!) ????
Expectant and Future Mamas, read on….
