Awakened Women

Awakened Women

Let it feel good

As the feminine rises, we are awakening to new pathways that honor our bodies, our cycles and our PLEASURE.

Are you ready to let go of the grit, struggle and the go-go-go while still creating the reality of your dreams?      Let's PLAY.....

Hey lovely, I'm Sheila.

Why? My personal journey from traumatic birth to Ecstatic Birth, awakened me to a whole new spectrum of possibilities that are available to us when we honor our feminine design.

Over the last 15 years, I have supported hundreds of women around the globe to connect more deeply to their bodies, inner wisdom, sensuality and pleasure.  I'm honored that you are here.

If you're someone who....

is devoted to the feminine rising and eager to live in alignment with your body and your pleasure, then you are in the right place!

I've created so much to awaken your innate bliss and FLOW...scroll, click and ENJOY! 

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Pleasure reBirth,

a Sensual Expansion journey

You will learn how these 3 elements can really support you in navigating intensity in a way that FEELS good.

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Want to know what others have experienced?

I started this process not knowing what to expect, I was hoping for something more, but I could never have imagined that this was possible.  You are amazing at what you do!

Sensual and Orgasmic Expansion Client

"Every now and then you come across a course or workshop that is life changing.  Sheila Kamara Hay's course on “The Feminine Flow Of Creation” is one of these life changing courses. Sheila who is drawing from many years of guiding women into a different, more connected, empowered and ecstatic way of birthing has transferred her wisdom of physical birthing to metaphorical birthing.  It just makes so much sense! It is simply mind blowing! "  

Ecstatic Goddess Client

“I find all of this work incredibly healing. In my family of origin and in the collective to a large extent we are just swimming in this culture of fear around the feminine, birth, pleasure - all the things that you cover.  And I just find this whole experience very healing and shifting through the layers.  So thank you!   It goes really deep and I have learnt a lot from it.  I intend to keep going over to support creating from feminine energy and with ease.”

Ecstatic Goddess Client

“What? This feels so good! There are so many spaces in our body that are [mmm]… I don’t even care about climax anymore. I love exploring what is here!" 

"It feels like my energy level has suddenly gotten way higher."

"Totally profound and transcendent, thank you!"  

Pleasure reBirth Participants

Ecstatic Birth as seen in

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The Ecstatic Goddess is a journey through the Feminine FLOW of Creation™ - a blueprint that will lead you back to your body, amplify your ecstatic pleasure, and allow you to realize your deepest desires with ease and joy!

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Work with Me!

Work with me

Private Training with Sheila

Interested in sensual or orgasmic expansion?  Releasing your pain patterns and opening to more pleasure? Birthing your dreams and desires in alignment with your Feminine FLOW? I hold just a handful of spots for private training. Book a complimentary Pleasure Training Strategy Session to explore if it is the right fit for you.

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