Vision and The Birth Movement
Awakening Orgasmic Flow
We are ALL birthing all the time. Our dreams and desires...Our childrenOur soul's pathsOurselves... over and over and over again. Sexual energy is the ...
Transforming Birth Culture around the World
Nothing excites me more than when I can bring you a story of how we as birthworkers can change the world through our own ...
Feeling heavy?
So many of the women I speak to these days feel triggered, depressed, angry, tired, numb or heavy. The first thing you need to ...
An Invitation…
You are invited to be the guest of honor at the soul shakin’, life-altering party known as Birth. Lady, we will place you on a ...
Top Ten Reasons Women Birth in Pain (rather than pleasure)
“Why do most people tend to birth in pain rather than in pleasure?” This is the question I am asked most often when I ...
I want you to meet one of the many exceptional guest teachers in the Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training, Sokhna Heathyre Mabin.A leading edge visionary of ...
If you are not as WEALTHY as you want to be…
In this moment of global awakening, we are ALL in deep contraction and MONEY is a core part of this contraction. Scarcity and struggle ...
Sensations of Pleasure in Birth
There are so many factors that affect our birth experiences. Our desiresOur fearsOur bodiesOur relationship to our sexualityOur upbringingOur personal, cultural, and religious beliefsOur ...
Supporting Women in Ecstatic Birth
As the idea of Ecstatic Birth (and its Orgasmic soul sister) becomes more widespread, demand is rising for practitioners that can support expectant moms ...