I’m 40! I Need Your LOVE!

I LOVE May.. It marks the time of rebirth and growth for us here in the northeast.
It is also a month of celebration- for moms and for me and my daughter. We both celebrate birthdays in May. And for me it is a big one- 40!
There comes a moment when everything is up in the air, your emotions feel raw, and the only thing you are certain of is doubt.
In birth, the epitome of that moment is transition, when your baby is so close, but you just aren’t sure you can do it anymore..
For me, that moment in life is right now. I’ve been going through a portal, one that I intentionally created for myself as I approach 40.
In Judaism, 40 is the age at which you have developed enough wisdom to begin studying the mystical texts of the Kabbalah. You are considered ripe enough, grounded enough, to be able to handle the “truth” about the interconnected nature of everything without it driving you mad.
I have been feeling this in my body, a wisdom that comes with experience, aging like a fine wine.
40 is just an excuse to take it all higher, to celebrate every drop of where I have been and where I am going.
This last month I’ve been really immersed in my sensual expansion alongside a wonderful group of you that opted to join me for Saida’s Jade Egg Mastery Program.
The rise of sexual energy in the body does what energy healing does to the max. It brings forth everything that is no longer in alignment, to be released, to be healed.
It offers an upgrade to the whole system, leaving behind who you were and moving toward who you are becoming.
This journey is the one that continually brings me closer and closer to my truth and living authentically.
This happens during childbirth, as the energy rises in the birthing mama’s body, fears, insecurities or even past trauma or abuse can emerge to be released or healed.
Needless to say when you are in that nether region between here and there, you can feel extremely vulnerable.
I remember my own doula carrying me through my transition by asking me to look her in the eyes and breathe with her. I felt afloat on her love and before I knew it it was time to push.
I’ve been gestating some grand plans for Ecstatic Birth. As my kids grow and need me less, my desire and ability to support expectant mamas grows and expands.
I desire to share what I know, to be of profound service, to continue to be an agent in the transformation from woman as object in birth to a revered, loved, and supported goddess empowered in her journey to bring forth new life.
What I’m trying to say is…
I’m in transition. I need your love.
Will you support me with pleasure by sharing some of the things you love about what I do, and what you desire for yourself or your clients?
I am so very grateful for your presence and your faith in inviting me into the most tender parts of yourself.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Much love,

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