Awakened Woman
I need this desperately and so do you
(This blog is super long, but I promise you it is worth every letter, every minute.) Ever beat up on yourself for not showing ...
The Difference YOU (and only you) can make!
When I was a little girl, I knew I was special and that I had come here for a reason. I know I'm not ...
Locating your Fierce Feminine Power
Have you ever struggled to bring your dreams into reality, wondering over and over again... "What is wrong with me?" or "Why can't I ...
The Feminine Flow of Creation
In The Ecstatic Goddess, we explore the feminine flow of creation, the journey of conception through pregnancy, labor and delivery as it relates to ...
Birthing your Creative Projects with Pleasure
Birthing our creative projects is similar to birthing our babies in that both can challenge us and take us places we have never been ...
How does your Qi flow?
This week on the blog I am excited to introduce you to a very special woman, Dr. Peta Bailey. I met Peta a few ...
How’s your body feeling?
Wherever you are in the world the supermoon is shining bright on you at night. Full moons illuminate our darkness both tangibly and metaphorically. ...
I still struggle with this. We all do.
For most of my younger years I was fiercely independent, adamant that I was strong enough, sharp enough, fill in the blank “x” enough, ...
Releasing the cycle of pain
We are 13 days out from the start of the Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training and all my lifelong patterns and triggers are going off ...