
Top Ten Reasons Women Birth in Pain (rather than pleasure)

“Why do most people tend to birth in pain rather than in pleasure?” This is the question I am asked most often when I ...


I want you to meet one of the many exceptional guest teachers in the Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training, Sokhna Heathyre Mabin.A leading edge visionary of ...
Kendra E. Thornbury

If you are not as WEALTHY as you want to be…

In this moment of global awakening, we are ALL in deep contraction and MONEY is a core part of this contraction. Scarcity and struggle ...

For the LOVE of the BODY!

We are deep in labor now... no one really knows how long it will last, how intense the contractions will really get, and what ...

Autonomy and Immunity

One of the many, overflowing gifts that birth has given me is a sense of my own autonomy.Navigating my options in preparation for my ...

When a sex coach gives birth…!!!

I'm excited to share with you this Conversation to Transform Birth. In many ways this woman is the embodiment and culmination of my visions ...

Let’s Dance..for stress relief, for birth preparation.. for ECSTASY!

I pride myself on being a warrioress.. FIERCE about my body... committed to my pleasure.. willing to do whatever it takes to FEEL good.That ...

Virtual Doula-Ing. The Power Of Energetics In A Hands Off World

One of the gifts of NOW is learning to bridge the worlds of the physical and energetic. With self-quarantine and social distancing mandates, our access ...

Supporting Birth from Afar

These are strange and uncertain times indeed, but one thing remains steady:Having a doula dramatically transforms and elevates your experience of birth. It has famously been ...
EB - Gold Divider