Improve Birth Outcomes Dramatically!
During my daughter's birth. I labored in a tub was rocking all my tools, presence and breath. But then I transition hit and I ...
How do you prepare for an Ecstatic Birth?
The day your baby is born is one of the most momentous days of your life. Childbirth can be one of the most transformative ecstatic ...
ReBirth… with Ecstasy!
If you didn't have the birth you'd hoped for... If you worry about how a "negative" birth experience has imprinted your child, If you ...
Creation, Birth & Your DREAMS
Fall... back to school.. re-entry into our new masked world...This time of year always feels like a new beginning, but now more so than ...
Rituals for healing, nourishment, and BIRTH
Our brains are whirring with thoughts of the future.. what is going to happen?With the pandemic? With the election? With schools? With racism? With ...
I want you to meet one of the many exceptional guest teachers in the Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training, Sokhna Heathyre Mabin.A leading edge visionary of ...
When a sex coach gives birth…!!!
I'm excited to share with you this Conversation to Transform Birth. In many ways this woman is the embodiment and culmination of my visions ...
Virtual Doula-Ing. The Power Of Energetics In A Hands Off World
One of the gifts of NOW is learning to bridge the worlds of the physical and energetic. With self-quarantine and social distancing mandates, our access ...
Supporting Women in Ecstatic Birth
As the idea of Ecstatic Birth (and its Orgasmic soul sister) becomes more widespread, demand is rising for practitioners that can support expectant moms ...