Expectant Mothers
The Missing Link
This year my son received sex ed in his 7th grade health class for the first time. Much to his mortification, I asked him ...
State of Emergency
I have come to realize that I am a naturalist. I trust deeply in the design of Mother Nature- her beauty, her cleverness, her remarkable ...
I want you to know
Sweet Lady I want you to know with no doubt.. not even a one.. You Matter Not for the child in your womb (but ...
Essential Keys to Ecstatic Birth: Consciousness
The concept of Ecstatic Birthing is so foreign to most women that their first inclination is to laugh, roll their eyes, and completely dismiss ...
Talk to me…
Things have felt really funny as I’ve had a whole lotta time to myself lately. I’m looking around and realizing that my babies are no ...
Pleasure is built into our birthing anatomy!
I've got some really big news!!.... As you know, I put a lot of emphasis on a woman deepening her connection to her body ...
Orgasms and Birth
When thinking about the idea of enjoying childbirth, there is nothing more intriguing... and hexing than the idea of an orgasmic birth. We are ...
What To Do With Your Birth Fears
This past fall I started teaching live-stream classes online about Ecstatic Birth. These class are hosted by en*theos a fabulous, progressive, online learning academy. This ...
When to say yes (or no)…
I had a really busy weekend with my family this weekend. We had a great line-up of events, gatherings, and activities. But rather than ...