Vision and The Birth Movement
Transforming your Birth Biz with PLEASURE
Just like we were NEVER told that pleasure is an essential part of the birthing process, many of us weren't trained in consciously using pleasure ...
The Fall of Man? I Think Not.
There is something that deeply troubles me about our legacy…. That moment when a baby is born and a mother emerges is magical, sacred.. ...
The Art of FEELING
What if there was a way to release all your doubts, know you are on the right path, and enjoy yourself along the way? ...
“P” is for Pleasure and Power and P**?
This guest blog post is by Jenny Braxton, Mama, birth visionary, educator & community leader and ECSTATIC BIRTH PRACTITIONER! I entered my feminine form ...
Even Pumpkins Can Do This!
The power of pleasure in birth is available to EVERY woman that wants it.Ecstatic Birth is not a far away dream, a shoot for ...
Having “the DREAM”
This is a pivotal moment in your life. You have never been in this exact position before.. preparing for this birth of this baby. ...
The View from the Other Side
I've been telling you all about the Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training and the benefits of supporting women in birth with PLEASURE. I've shared how the program ...
Childbirth is Different Now
The full anatomy of the clitoris wasn't explored until 1998 with discoveries emerging as recently as 2005. Our understanding of this misunderstood part of ...
How does your Qi flow?
This week on the blog I am excited to introduce you to a very special woman, Dr. Peta Bailey. I met Peta a few ...