Meet a Birth Revolutionary!
15 years ago when I was fiercely preparing for my "reclamation" birth, reading everything I could, practicing, learning... I came across Laura Shanley and ...
Against All Odds: An Ecstatic Birth
You may think everything needs to be perfect in order to have an Ecstatic Birth-- a loving partner, the perfect birth environment, unwavering support. ...
Painless Contractions
Childbirth can be intense but that does not mean it has to be painful.Have you ever experienced intense euphoria?An intense orgasm?Or an intense moment ...
Scents for Childbirth and Pleasure
Did you know that your sense of smell gives you direct access to your primal brain? It does! This is such an important thing ...
Creation, Birth & Your DREAMS
Fall... back to school.. re-entry into our new masked world...This time of year always feels like a new beginning, but now more so than ...
Birth as a Shamanic Journey
Last night I was cuddling in bed with my daughters, my heart expanding and aching with my love for them.Calling them into my life ...
When a sex coach gives birth…!!!
I'm excited to share with you this Conversation to Transform Birth. In many ways this woman is the embodiment and culmination of my visions ...
Let’s Dance..for stress relief, for birth preparation.. for ECSTASY!
I pride myself on being a warrioress.. FIERCE about my body... committed to my pleasure.. willing to do whatever it takes to FEEL good.That ...
Virtual Doula-Ing. The Power Of Energetics In A Hands Off World
One of the gifts of NOW is learning to bridge the worlds of the physical and energetic. With self-quarantine and social distancing mandates, our access ...