Expectant Mothers

Postpartum: Ecstatic or Traumatic?

As passionate as I am about Ecstatic BIRTH, childbirth is a portal. The true journey is that of motherhood. How can we create an ...

Yoni Healing and Birth

How is it possible to turn pain to pleasure in childbirth?How is it possible to transform our birthing culture into one that empowers women ...

The Fall of Man? I Think Not.

There is something that deeply troubles me about our legacy…. That moment when a baby is born and a mother emerges is magical, sacred.. ...

Train for Pleasure

Pregnancy was an incredible, awe-inspiring experience for me.I loved that my body was gestating a new life. I loved that it knew what to ...

“P” is for Pleasure and Power and P**?

This guest blog post is by Jenny Braxton, Mama, birth visionary, educator & community leader and ECSTATIC BIRTH PRACTITIONER! I entered my feminine form ...

The Difference YOU (and only you) can make!

When I was a little girl, I knew I was special and that I had come here for a reason. I know I'm not ...

Even Pumpkins Can Do This!

The power of pleasure in birth is available to EVERY woman that wants it.Ecstatic Birth is not a far away dream, a shoot for ...

Locating your Fierce Feminine Power

Have you ever struggled to bring your dreams into reality, wondering over and over again... "What is wrong with me?" or "Why can't I ...

Having “the DREAM”

This is a pivotal moment in your life. You have never been in this exact position before.. preparing for this birth of this baby. ...
EB - Gold Divider