Honor your body, your PLEASURE, your feminine FLOW!
Here you will find a range of resources and inspiration to support you in living in alignment with these principles as you navigate the expansions and contractions in the rhythm of LIFE. Take your time, savor and ENJOY!

Love your Libido
When we think of libido we automatically think of sex, but the underlying current is life force. Yes this enlivening energy can stir up ...
Awakening Orgasmic Flow
We are ALL birthing all the time. Our dreams and desires...Our childrenOur soul's pathsOurselves... over and over and over again. Sexual energy is the ...
The Surprising Consequences of Energy “O”s
In a world full of war, disease and radical injustice, why should you care about learning to have Energy Orgasms?!? Oh let me count ...
Awakening Orgasmic Flow
We are ALL birthing all the time. Our dreams and desires...Our childrenOur soul's pathsOurselves... over and over and over again. Sexual energy is the ...
New Moon Magic
I’m sitting with the darkness tonight… We are moving into our darkest days here in the northern hemisphere. The new moon is upon us ...
Creation, Birth & Your DREAMS
Fall... back to school.. re-entry into our new masked world...This time of year always feels like a new beginning, but now more so than ...

- All
- Awakened Woman
MY BODY FEELS… antidote for when things seem “hard”
The last few weeks I’ve found myself dragging my feet around the house, struggling to write at my computer, very very SLOW and if ...
Vaginal Steaming
Vaginal Steaming is a time-old healing tradition, meandering its way into mainstream consciousness. While it is contraindicated during pregnancy, there are tremendous benefits for ...
Cycle-Synching Misses This HUGE Piece
I'm thrilled with all the wisdom rising up around how to honor our cycles. As women we are cyclical beings. As mammals, bodies that ...
ReBirth… with Ecstasy!
If you didn't have the birth you'd hoped for... If you worry about how a "negative" birth experience has imprinted your child, If you ...
New Moon Magic
I’m sitting with the darkness tonight… We are moving into our darkest days here in the northern hemisphere. The new moon is upon us ...
Creation, Birth & Your DREAMS
Fall... back to school.. re-entry into our new masked world...This time of year always feels like a new beginning, but now more so than ...
Rituals for healing, nourishment, and BIRTH
Our brains are whirring with thoughts of the future.. what is going to happen?With the pandemic? With the election? With schools? With racism? With ...
The Hardest Part of Birth Prep…
Preparing for an Ecstatic Birth can be So Much FUN.I mean.. .who doesn't love expanding pleasure in her life and body?!? Right?We've been trained ...
Catching Your BREATH
What an incredible time to be ALIVE! To be in our collective Re-Birth.. contraction by contraction. As we birth, the intensity is real:Our collective ...
If you are not as WEALTHY as you want to be…
In this moment of global awakening, we are ALL in deep contraction and MONEY is a core part of this contraction. Scarcity and struggle ...
Autonomy and Immunity
One of the many, overflowing gifts that birth has given me is a sense of my own autonomy.Navigating my options in preparation for my ...
Let’s Dance..for stress relief, for birth preparation.. for ECSTASY!
I pride myself on being a warrioress.. FIERCE about my body... committed to my pleasure.. willing to do whatever it takes to FEEL good.That ...
I Believe in You
No matter how tired, overwhelmed or frustrated you may feel, Ecstasy is within you.I have seen it time and time again with my clients--An ...
To Keep You Warm On These Dark Days…
Here in New York, it is DARK (and getting darker...)It is COLD (and getting colder...)I used to feel like I was entering into hell this ...
How to Call in Ecstasy
How often do you experience ecstasy? Is it enough for you? Or do you want MORE? (Most of us want MORE!) The experience of ...
Activating the MAGIC of the Body
Our bodies are incredible. They are the source of so much wisdom, power and PLEASURE. But we live in a culture that distrusts the ...
Igniting your FEMININE Power
Oh Yesssssss... IGNITING YOUR FEMININE POWER!!! Who doesn't need more of that?!? I spoke with Jenny Braxton about this very important topic. Jenny is ...
Yoni Healing and Birth
How is it possible to turn pain to pleasure in childbirth?How is it possible to transform our birthing culture into one that empowers women ...
After The Contraction- A Blissful EXPANSION!!
I love my contractions!! Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but truly when I get on the other side of all ...
Feeling the Contractions?
I've been thinking a lot about labor lately,--particularly that circle of expansion and contraction that our bodies experience in the first stage. That rhythm that underlies ...
The Fall of Man? I Think Not.
There is something that deeply troubles me about our legacy…. That moment when a baby is born and a mother emerges is magical, sacred.. ...
The Art of FEELING
What if there was a way to release all your doubts, know you are on the right path, and enjoy yourself along the way? ...
“P” is for Pleasure and Power and P**?
This guest blog post is by Jenny Braxton, Mama, birth visionary, educator & community leader and ECSTATIC BIRTH PRACTITIONER! I entered my feminine form ...
Why I LOVE the Moon
We are entering the darkest days of the year here in New York. Dark like the womb Dark like the depths of the earth ...
I need this desperately and so do you
(This blog is super long, but I promise you it is worth every letter, every minute.) Ever beat up on yourself for not showing ...